318 Brannan Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94107


Here we have tried to give satisfactory answers of most of the questions frequently asked to us by our patients :

Q1. How does hair transplantation work ?

A1: Hair transplantation is a process of relocating hair follicles (with skin and roots) from the most hair fall resisting regions of the head, i.e. the sides and the back, to those regions of the scalp which have started to show hair thinning or are experiencing profuse hair loss, so that an aesthetically appealing look of the hair can be achieved.

This process is permanent as the transplanted hairs are baldness resistant genetically, and you can treat them just like your original/ existing hair, that is you can cut them, dye them or style them.

Q2. How long does a standard hair transplantation procedure take to be completed ?

A2: Well it largely depends upon the number of grafts required to be transplanted. Ideally, a patient requiring to be grafted with about 2500 to 3000 hair grafts take generally takes an entire day on an out-door patient basis. You can come in the morning and can leave our clinic in the afternoon of the same day.

Q3. Will my hair transplant look natural/ will people spot me that I had a hair transplant ?

A3: Hair transplantation, when done properly, can look so natural that not even your hairstylist will be able to detect that you had transplantation. But, that depends upon the expertise, experience and dedication of the surgeon who is operating upon your scalp.

Our clinic which has ample of hair transplant surgeons, having years of experience and dedication can effortlessly provide you the look that you have craved for so long.

Q4. Is hair transplantation a painful procedure ?

A4: The patients are administered with local anesthesia at the donor and recipient areas. So, during extraction and grafting procedures on those areas respectively, you will not feel any pain.

Once the surgery is over, patients may feel numbness and soreness on the operated areas, which go away quickly. Post-operation, most of the patients of our clinic remain pretty amazed about how minimal the discomfort level was !

Q5. How many grafts/ hair will I need ?

A5: The answer to this question mainly depends upon how intense the hair loss is on your scalp at present, and can possibly be in the future. Also, it varies upon the degree of fullness you want your hair to look.

More the amount of fullness rendered to your hair, more the number of grafts will be required.

Q6. What is the recovery or healing time of transplantation ?

A6: With the latest micro hair technology, the incisions made on your scalp are of smallest possible dimensions, so it takes the minimum amount of time to heal. However, due to the application of local anesthesia, the numbness or soreness may prevail for a few days. You should not worry about the numbness/ soreness as it disappears within a few days only.

Q7. How do I find an excellent hair transplant surgeon who meets my requirements ?

A7: This is a very important question. The level of expertise that the surgeon possesses will determine the success of your transplantation and also its future.The hair transplant surgeons at our clinic, having years of experience and dedication can assure you that we shall provide the customized look that you desire.

As we strongly believe in ethics, we always provide credentials of the operating surgeon to our valued patients, so that they can be assured of the excellent service that they will be getting.

Q8. What are the steps that I should take before the surgery ?

A8: It is advisable to maintain an adequate length of hair on your head. If it is more than an inch long, then there will be no problem in covering up the sutures after the transplant is over.

Two weeks before surgery :

  • No medication like Rogaine or Aspirin.
  • Vitamin E tablets should be avoided too.

The day before surgery :

  • You should not consume alcohol.
  • You should have someone to make adequate arrangements for taking you back home from the clinic.

On the day of operation :

  • You are advised to wash your hair in the morning using regular shampoo.
  • You should not wear any tight pullover, sweaters, cap or hat.

Q9. Is this procedure dangerous ?

A9: Absolutely not. This is only a minor surface surgery, reaching only to the skin-deep level. We only use instruments, equipment and facilities conforming to global standards; besides, you are always accompanied with certified and experienced personnel throughout the procedure.

Q10. How long does the transplanted hair takes to grow and fill up the balding area ?

A10: The transplanted hair will first take 3 to 4 months to grow out. Then it will grow about half an inch every month, and will slowly fill up the balding area.

Initially, the grafted hair feels as soft like baby hair. With the passage of time, it gradually becomes coarser, like the original hair.

For more details or other queries, please feel free to contact us.